Hey folks, 
I’ve been feeling a powerful urge to start writing about music again, and Words on Sounds is coming back. To catch everyone up on things, in the three and a half years or so since I’ve been active over here, I did some writing for Tabs Out focused on new music being released on cassette (and I’ll be doing some more of that over there, too). If you want to catch up on some of those pieces, you can find them at this link, but I’d recommend just reading all of the excellent reviews happening at Tabs Out while you’re there. I wrote a few pieces that appeared in other places as well, and I put out a bunch of imaginative cassettes on Tymbal Tapes, and then I took some time off from writing…

…and became a music librarian, which is the most incredibly fulfilling way I could imagine spending my days. At the library, I’ve been doing a few written book recommendations for excellent music books that you can read here. And if you miss my recorded work on the Other Music radio show, or the Words on Sounds podcast, you might be interested in the weekly radio show that I do now for the Polley Music Library, which broadcasts on 89.3 FM KZUM in Lincoln, NE Saturday mornings from 8-8:30 and Sunday evenings from 9:30-10, and is also archived here.

With the return of Words on Sounds, I’m planning to take a broader writing approach. There will be some reviews of new music, to be sure, but I’m also hoping to explore music from a variety of eras, some music books, some philosophy around music and music-making and music listening, and generally just have some fun. I hope you’ll join me, dear readers. –Scott