It looks like quite a few people have gotten a chance to check out the first of my German Army reviews in just a few hours–thanks for reading!

I’m pleased to announce that I have an extra copy of each of the new 2014 German Army cassettes. The extra copy of the brand-new “Tassili Plateau” comes courtesy of the kind folks at Field Hymns, and copies of the other three have arrived from the German Army folks themselves.

It’s getting harder to get the word out when new reviews are done now that Google Reader disappeared, and Feedly is kind of weird, etc etc. Facebook has its own share of problems, but maybe it would be useful for announcing reviews? Let’s give it a try.

Here’s what we’re going to do: I’ve made a Words on Sounds Facebook page. Go there, “like” the page, and on May 1st, I’m going to type up all of the names of folks who have liked the page and draw one name out of a hat. I’ll be mailing that lucky person a box containing all four of the tapes pictured above: Barrineans, T’rung, Millerite Masai, and Tassili Plateau. Tell your friends, and good luck!

Again, that address is:

Thanks again for reading! Tons of reviews coming soon–this is going to be a fantastic music year.
